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tv   FOX 45 News at 530  FOX  October 2, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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////////////////////vo////////// ////// &p3&p anthony anderson died after a confrontation with police in east baatimore on september 21. according to the utopsy report... anderson died from bbunt-force injury. heesuffered from broken ribs and a ruptured spleen.. suggesting he mayyhave been ground. innially, police say they caughttanderson in a drug deal and that he chokkdd on drugss but witnesses, including anderson's mother, sayy officers beat the 46-year-old man to death in a vacant lot aa eest biddle ssreet and montford avenue. (ms. fletcherrmotthr) "he behhnd him and i seen them g pick him up from his knees and slam him back doon on hii head. i couldn't believe it.. i'm goinng oh my god, what is they doing to y child..." out///////////////// a spokksman with the city state's attorney's office... invvstigation with police and
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prosecutors. and then ultimately, prosecutors will decide whether charges wwll be police spokesman ssys the officers involved have been routinely suspended with pay.. pending the outcome of the investigation. live in charles village, keith daniels, fox 45 news att5-30. p3 two mee are being questione at this hour following three separate abductions at since september 25th. ken plac- detectives areenow sayinggthe attacks are relattd. twoo womee werr abuducted yesterday, one in the city the other at a bus stop at the corner of ingleside and edmondson avenues. those another one. ce to review 14:4:06 during our connect one suspect from assault on september at the same bus stop :12 ((on-cam)) all three attaacs were similar 3n nature. tonight, baltimore coonty detectives are looking into
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whether a volunteer firefighter usee his position to fiid potential vvcttms he assault. anthony cottte was firefighher's ppogram at the lansdownn ffre department. he between the ages of 9 and 15 years old.. up until the lived jjst a few doors down from the firehouse. sot 14:46:22 cottle found ppportunities o get the boy alone at home and he was sexually abuse on several occasions the victim saad he witnessed a freind of is 14 year olls being sexxallyy aaused by this suspect. suspect. cottle also worked firefighter. bott ty - department's have since suspended him. meanwhile, the junior firefighter's program has been disbanded. decide just how far maryland ccn go to craakdown on questionable gambling. issueeis whether bussnesses in the state can operate video gaming machines that use the internet t simulate slots. players
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cash prizes.. so aa, nnwish operators aren't paying taxes on them. but poliie and public officials say they're prohibited under marylaad's paming laws... because they're bbsically slot machines. the operator offa bingo hall in southwest baltimmre has filed suit in an effort to keep his mmchines. a court hearing is schedule for thursday. 3 they've been practicing behind thescenessfor days.but tomorrow nighh...presideet obama...and mitt romney finally squure off in tteir first televised debate. debate.the president holds a small lead overromney ii many polls.and that's whyyone llcal says that debate is so bothh andidates. 3&p(kromer) "at this point n time, it's obama's to lose, so romneyys behind in the polls, he'' ehind ii a lot of the
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major swing states that republicans have to win likk peeds to ccme out, and romnee needs toodemonstrate that e can clearly aaticulate his platform.. you an watch the presidential pebatetomorrow night...riggt 3ere on fox 45. big news out of pennnylvania. looks like voters there will find it lot easier to ccst their ballots in he presidential election.that's because a judge there has temporarily halted the state's new voter i-d was one of the strictest in he country. republican supporters said it wwuld stop voter fraud. would keep voters... mostly their voters... away on expected to be marylann representative elijahh cummings... swiitly responding to the pennsylavnia udge's decision.issuing this will haveethe opportunity to 3 exercise their right to vote without...the politically- motivated restrictions that republicans tried tooimpose. voting is a right that should be encouraged for all eligible.. eligible...americans, not a
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with ust one day to go unttl the first presidential poll shows it's going to be a race.according to the poll... favoo prrsidenttobama... while 47-percent support republican candidate mitt romnee. that's with a 3-point-5-percenn areesimilar to results from gur other recent national polls. neither candidate appears to &phave an edge on theeeconomy.. which remains the top issue 3 duringg he first presidential debate tomooroo night, one analyzing the ody language of tte two contenderr... athleen cairns as more on oo much influence body movements can have on an election.. kathleen: kathleen:
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it was a day of fitnnss in downtown bbltimore. baltimore. hundreds of students paaked porttdiscovery for a day of fun and heaath as an award for great attendance.
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children from three diffeeeet schools jined our own patrice puseum, get some exercise andd learn he importance of ating healthy and staying active. expeets say it's important that children learn healthy haabts at an early aae. 10:06:33-10:06:522it's very important because ddaling witt they're kids... importance of moving...importance of eaaing h" healthy."schools involved included maathew a. henson elementary... west side elementary. there could soon be far fewer athletes at towson univer. university. a task force is recommending deep is live on the campus tonight o3 with the recommendations, &pjefff... 3 3 3 3
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p, the orioles on-field success is translating into business success across the area. columbia, orkers have made n several thousaad orioles-
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themed shirts in the past five they typically fill n an han entire season.the further the o's play into october, the p3&kevin nape: "been a long ti cooing without a doubt for the o's to be in the playoffs, and people are really excited about it..chuck bahn: "people well. people are on the bandwaaon. they wanna wear the " shirts."the wners says if and when the orioles win a playoff will start to make the bigger ooders. how are the roads looking tonig? tonight?brandi ppoctor has our traffic edgeereport. report. mapbelairfiberwilkensmap395map
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3 the white houue is iivesttgating a caseeof hacking into a mmlitary base. who some staffers aa is the source oo the hack. a maa is pulled over after drrcing 11 miles... becauue of the living thinn what was found inside his car's p3
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--adblib weather tz-- anncr: more anti-maryland ads. from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area...
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and across the state... according to the department of legislative services. and with independent audits required by law... question seven means millions for maryland schools. guaranteed. syou know, i've helped a lot off people save a lot of money. but today...( sfx: loud noise of metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange. (sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. the white house is
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investigating aa attempttto hack ito a computer with military iiforration..a senior padministration staffer says.. it was chinese hackers...who gained access, but no information was apparently happened when a staffer opened an infected eeail.the white house says this type of attack is common and there aae measures in protect sensitive inffrmation. new accusations today... that the justicc department issspying on lot more americans. americans.that... according... to the... caaey... stegall explains.../ orders ... for... warrant-less... telephone surveillance.../ are... on the rrse... in... a... very big way. &pway. the d-o-j, deeending
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the surveillance, saying a &pfederal juuge authoriied all instances citee in the ttis type of surveillaace pessential" for federra law enforcement officers.a freedom the americcn civil liberties union long sought-after liierties union the american civil request, hands information aafreedom of officerssenforcement federal law "essential" for surveilllnce thisstype of judge authorized sayinn a pederal judge authorized all instances cited in the a-c-l-u's report...calling this type of surveillance "essential" for feeeral law enforcement 3 officers.a freedom of informationnrequest, hands the american civil liberties union long sought-after data on the surveillance of americans. soggoian says: "we see a sharp upttck in the use of thess surveillence powers, and frankly, it makkssme scared."" the a-c-l-u findiiggfrom 2009 to 20-11, orders for telephone ssrveillance were up -- 60-percent.during that same period... orders for surveillance n emails and network data...increased exponentially -- rising by 3611 percent.the a-c-l-u says the eye-poppingg increase in surveillanceeis being done áwithoutá warrants... and without enough oversight or accountability.soghoian sayy: "this isn't abbut terrorism. ttese are regular law enforcement investigations, and this - this is investigating people's communications. these are who who they engage in online conversations with, their friends, their family, their
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this kind of surveilllnce doesn't invoove monitoring the content of conversaaions. meaning, the government is talking...but not what they're depaatment of justice idn't provide any information in the past, a device had to be attached to the ppone to get this kind of data... but through a phone company's call- routing equipment. casey stegall -- fox news. a... pizarre... police chase... in... florida... as... a... drunk man... rides his horse... thru town... for five hoous. this... police video ... shows... 29 riding his horss... through the streets of bunnell, florrda....//. he'ss.. at... a... full gallop....... screaming to policee.. that hees on the way... to his grandma's house..../// he... did go over the rivere and thru the woods.../ this... and supporters... of hiss one point.../ - cowart's headphones sttpped working.../ so... someonee.. gave him earbuds...// so... on... bllating
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his... lynard skynard....// 3 " we sawwthe whole thing from start to finish. all the cops were saying was down down, and i'm thinking oh my goo!!" cowart... is faciig resiiting arrest... and... animal cruelty charges. 3 caa's font grill.whattliving thing was stuck in there and how it's doing tooightt.. coming up. 3 --adblib weather tz--- 3 what makes the sleep number store different? we have so much technology in our store to really show the customers what's going on with their bodies. now you can feel what happens as we raise your sleep number setting and allow the bed to contour to your individual shape.
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oh, wow. that feels really good. during our sleep number innovation event, save up to $600 on our most innovative bed sets. hurry! this event ends soon. you'll only find the innovative sleep number bed at one of our 400 stores, where queen mattresses start at just $699.
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and those well grounded. for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you. this poodle survived aa 11 mile trip at highway ugh
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speed whileeburied in the in front of the car. the r - driver idn't realize he had &phit the dog until ffer he reached his destinatton. when he walked to the front of the car, thee found the dog sandwiched in the damged grill. she was kind of wedggd in there with the liccnse plate and the license plate cover. she was holding oo to he front bumper. holdinggon foo dear lifeeif it were. officerr say the dog haa a &pcollar and a microchip but they still hasn't been able to fiid the ooner. they've nicknamed her lucky until they find her family. --- eact to story --- a wee and soggy day....
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&pnothing buttrain in the it.chief eteorologist vytas reid...
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saying... thank you... to... the fans... that make our facebook page... &p a's ... facebook... fan of the day is... "mandy lohmmn""...//you... could be....a... fox 45... fan of the day..../ day..../all ... you... have to do... ...slash foxbaltimore../ click the "like"... - button..../we... day... every
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weekday... on... fox45 news at five. 3 the orioles fighh to stay alive in the aaerican league east race...bruce cunninggam has thht story next in sports. 3
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an absooutely critical nighht yynkees wwn...that puts the &pbirds a full game behind with just tww to play... play... they knewwgoing in that this wassa tuff matchup foo them in the last three games...the simple fact of the matter is it's wwrse thaa you 7 games at tropiccna field this season, they've scored exactly 2 per game...and of - accodring to tth man in control, there's a siiple rteason for hat...
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3 how important are tonight's ggmes?the o's ttail by one with just two to play..if they lose tonight andthe yankees win, the race is's jjst that imple...and that brings us to the willcard..the o's and a's are dead even hhaaing into tonight..remember, team hosts the playoff...or play in game on friday... buckle your seat belts... we'll keep an eye on thh race...full oriole highlights and the ravens, too..that's on sports unlimitedand 1:30 --toss to vytas-- vytts-- 3 p3 &p3
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if... you're... a dog owner... / you... know... how... to... leave them... behind.... when... you travel.../// travel...//. but fear no more a business in new york s for dogs.and it's so luuurious... ii may haae you thinking twice about áyourá vac. vvcation.takk a look a this! dogs stty in suites... ffaturing plush beds and flatt screen t-vs.they can be pampered at ssa with doggy manicures... or work oof treats at the hhtel's fitnees center. 3 that's all for fox45 eww at 5:30."family feud" is next. next.and we'll be back tonightt the late edition at 11...and 11....e'll see ouulater. later.
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